HTML Blocks

The following examples use the HTML blocks to display content. The first few are using a WYSIWYG type of editor for the HTML which makes it so that the content still may be positioned and sized like a normal Text block. Additionally this block may have a background.

The "Raw" HTML block doesn't actually provide any sort of structure at all. It simply puts whatever is typed into it directly into the template.

This is an HTML block that has some fun HTML elements directly inserted into it.

This is a Foo div with a background
This HTML block has a background behind it and is actually using a div to display this content rather than a p tag. Additionally, the background is using an overlay and Night Mode just for fun.


This is raw HTML that's been pasted into a normal text field in the CMS. Notice how it goes all the way to the edge of the screen since there's no .bound around this content.

This is a Foo div with a background